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Ask the Experts: Deals Best Practices, Part 2

Welcome to our second installment of chatting deals and campaign best practices with some of TripleLift’s finest. In our last post, we talked to Thomas Yi about the work Campaign Management does to keep everything running smoothly. Today we’re talking to Benazir Shareef, Senior Partner Manager, for her perspective and expertise on running successful campaigns.

Benazir Shareef, Senior Partner Manager, TripleLift

“We are continually analyzing data to provide industry insight, and we are helping with creative messaging to make ads more engaging.

Partner Managers understand their clients’ needs in and out. What does a Partner Manager do daily to ensure campaigns are delivering in full?

Benazir: In order to ensure campaigns reach their full potential we diligently monitor the campaigns and proactively reach out to clients as soon as any changes in spend are noticed. As PMs we need to know the campaigns inside out, from budget, flight dates and KPIs to all the DSP targeting overlay. 

Once the campaign is live the most important part is to make sure creatives are approved and that we are hitting the daily budget. From this point on, monitoring and keeping in communication with the traders are the two most important parts of a successful campaign as a lot of times changes are made to campaigns that might limit the spend. If a campaign is consistently under-pacing and we are not addressing it the client is likely to move the budget without consulting us, so being proactive is always the key.

Buyers seem to really connect with our deals offering. What is it about our deals that really works for our buyers?  

Benazir: There are several reasons why buyers across different agencies and brands connect with TripleLift deals

  • Transparency – When we set up deals for our clients we provide them with a list of inventory the deal will be targeting. This helps ensure the quality of the inventory as well as the brand safety aspect of the campaign which is one of the biggest concerns of any brand running campaigns programmatically.
  • Control – Deals provide buyers more control over inventory and performance. We can add or remove inventory from the deal any time during the campaign as well as optimize for KPIs on placement level which is not available on the DSP side.
  • Ease of Setup – TripleLift deals are super easy to set up across all major DSPs. The most precious thing for a trader while setting up a campaign is time, and the simplicity of setting up a TripleLift deal using the DSP workflow makes it convenient.
  • Superior Service – Most TripleLift campaigns on deals get constant and proactive support from a dedicated PM team who are always there to help set up and optimize the deals. This is something that buyers really appreciate as it helps them save time as well as make the campaign far more successful.

Finally, with all the product lines and capabilities TripleLift has to offer, what’s one thing you want your buyers to know about us that they may find helpful for their campaigns?

Benazir: I would like my clients to know that they should consider TripleLift not only as a partner but also as a trusted advisor whose support goes beyond campaigns. We are continually analyzing data to provide industry insight, and we are helping with creative messaging to make ads more engaging. Overall, we are working towards launching new products to reinvent ads across all mediums.

We thank Benazir for her time and attention she brings to her clients. If you’re interested in activating a deal, reach out to your TripleLift representative or contact — a Partner Manager and Campaign Manager will be there to help!

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