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New Year's Resolution Package

Boost your campaign with our New Year's Resolution advertising solutions, featuring dynamic creative formats, smart targeting, and omni-channel reach across native, online video, display, and CTV. 

You can now activate our New Year's Resolution deal across all devices, powered by publisher first-party data via content metadata and TripleLift Audiences. 

First-Party Data New Year's Resolution Advertising Solutions, Powered by TripleLift Audiences

Prepare for Football season with smart data targeting powered by publishers.  Available on Native, Display, and Online Video formats.

CTV First-Party Data New Year's Resolution Advertising Solutions, Powered by Content Metadata

Prepare for New Year's Resolution season with smart targeting powered by publishers. Available on CTV today. 

Maximize Your Success with a Deals-First Strategy

Text and graphics indicating the benefits of TripleLift's New Year's Resolution advertising solutions

The Benefits of TripleLift Audiences Curated First-Party Data Targeting

Scale: Our tech processes 50,000 events* per-second and have analyzed over 10M events total.

Real-Time Refresh: With our machine learning, segments are updated in milliseconds versus the industry average of 24-48 hours, with the ability to identify and categorize users from the first impression.

No Extra Data Costs: Maximize your working media with no extra data costs.

Easy Activation: 1300+ Off-the-shelf segments are available for same-day custom deal creation and Deal ID set-up.

About TripleLift

We’re TripleLift, an advertising platform on a mission to elevate digital advertising through beautiful creative, quality publishers, actionable data, and smart targeting. Through over 1 trillion monthly ad transactions, we help publishers and platforms monetize their businesses. Our technology is where the world’s leading brands find audiences across online video, connected television, display and native ads. Brand and enterprise customers choose us because of our innovative solutions, premium formats, and supportive experts dedicated to maximizing their performance. We are part of the Vista Equity Partners portfolio. As an NMSDC certified minority owned business, we qualify for diverse spending goals and are committed to economic inclusion. Find out how TripleLift raises up the programmatic ecosystem at