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Black Friday/Cyber Monday Package

Boost your campaign with our Black Friday advertising solutions, featuring dynamic creative formats, smart targeting, and omni-channel reach across native, online video, display, and CTV. 

You can now activate our Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal across all devices, powered by publisher first-party data via content metadata and TripleLift Audiences. 

First-Party Data Black Friday Advertising Solutions, Powered by TripleLift Audiences

Prepare for Black Friday/Cyber Monday with smart data targeting powered by publishers.  Available on Native, Display, and Online Video formats.

CTV First-Party Data Black November Advertising Solutions, Powered by Content Metadata

Prepare for Black November with smart targeting powered by publishers. Available on CTV today. 

Maximize Your Success with a Deals-First Strategy

Text and graphics indicating the benefits of TripleLift black november advertising solutions.

The Benefits of TripleLift Audiences Curated First-Party Data Targeting

Scale: Our tech processes 50,000 events* per-second and have analyzed over 10M events total.

Real-Time Refresh: With our machine learning, segments are updated in milliseconds versus the industry average of 24-48 hours, with the ability to identify and categorize users from the first impression.

No Extra Data Costs: Maximize your working media with no extra data costs.

Easy Activation: 1300+ Off-the-shelf segments are available for same-day custom deal creation and Deal ID set-up.