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A New Signal for Success | Innovation Showcase w/ Airey Baringer, VP, Product Management

Enjoy an enlightening Innovation Showcase led by Airey Baringer, VP of Product Management at TripleLift, as we explore the cutting-edge technology behind TripleLift Audiences, our ID-less advertising solution, and its profound impact on the advertising industry. This session offers an exclusive look into the innovative features of TripleLift Audiences, alongside a glimpse into the exciting future possibilities and upcoming enhancements. Be inspired by a product designed to help you use new signals to connect with your desired audiences more effectively and efficiently in a post-cookie world.

Overview of TripleLift Audiences, Our ID-Less Advertising Solution:

Made possible by TripleLift’s acquisition of the first-party data platform 1plusX, TripleLift Audiences is a unique offering that delivers cross-site audiences without the use of cross-site identifiers. Across brands and verticals, testing has shown that TripleLift Audiences regularly matches or exceeds the performance of cookies, delivering broader reach, not limited by browser or device. Through TripleLift Audiences, campaigns can perform at scale across the premium web without having to worry about the fate of third-party cookies or rising data fees. TripleLift Audiences is now available in the US with rollouts expected in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom later this year.

About TripleLift: 

We’re TripleLift, an advertising platform on a mission to elevate digital advertising through beautiful creative, quality publishers, actionable data, and smart targeting. Through over 1 trillion monthly ad transactions, we help publishers and platforms monetize their businesses. Our technology is where the world’s leading brands find audiences across online video, connected television, display and native ads. Brand and enterprise customers choose us because of our innovative solutions, premium formats, and supportive experts dedicated to maximizing their performance. We are part of the Vista Equity Partners portfolio. As an NMSDC certified minority owned business, we qualify for diverse spending goals and are committed to economic inclusion. Find out how TripleLift raises up the programmatic ecosystem at

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