Best Practices Guides

The 2023 Holiday Targeting Handbook

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Intentional Buyer Is this business ethical? Is this item eco - friendly? How will my purchase positively impact my community? Does this brand care about current social issues? Is this a local business? Convenience Shopper Am I going to receive what's advertised if I shop online? If I shop in - store, is what I'm looking for going to be in stock? Can I pick this item up in - store if shipping will take too long? Do I get free shipping if I shop online? How to Optimize Your Holiday Dollars Send the right message at the right time for your target audience There's no time to waste when it comes to building a strong relationship with your target audience this holiday season. Fortunately, TripleLift's Research Team has the insights you need to optimize your holiday dollars with messaging and customer experiences crafted specifically to reach your consumers at the perfect time. Let's kick things off by looking at three different types of holiday shoppers and the kinds of questions they'll be asking as they jump into the holiday season. Pre - Purchase Questions Continue reading to learn more about generational values Price Conscious Is the quality of this item worth its price? Is this item priced within my budget? What would my price - per - wear be of this item? Will I receive any deals or discounts if I purchase this item? Pre - Purchase Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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