Best Practices Guides

Native Best Practice Guide

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What is Native? Not all Native is Created Equal While there are many flavors of native, in - feed native blends the most seamlessly within the editorial feed of premium publisher environments. This means consumer attention is earned, not disrupted. Placement type targeting allows buyers to select where their ad is being served on the placement level. At TripleLift, we will not only identify the native placement types, but will also categorize page location and size type for every placement. Located within the editorial feed of publisher placements, native ads reflect the look and feel of every publisher's environment. They are scalable across desktop, mobile web or mobile app and use the same attribution models you rely on for display campaigns. According to research, in - feed native ads are both more interesting and less annoying compared to banner, video, expandable and pop - up ads. 59% of advertisers find native advertising interesting so much so that 179% more time is spent on native ads than traditional display. Content Recommendation Peripheral In - Feed Native In - Article Native

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