Best Practices Guides

Native Best Practice Guide

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Primary Household Purchaser Brand Loyalist Purchase Planner Demographic • Skew Female • 35+ • 17% more likely to enjoy buying for others rather than themselves • 25+ • 23% more likely to make spontaneous purchase decisions • 25 - 54 • 17% more likely to be head of household and primary purchaser Motivators • Good deals • Solving a need • Brand Trust • Quality • Service • Budget - friendly • Information • Routine Creative Reco . • Short Headlines • Motivated by Discount/Benefit Comms • Product - in - Use drives higher engagement • Logo on Image • Motivated by clear brand and product messaging • Simple product - only images are most compelling • Medium to Long Headlines • Motivated by product benefit comms • Lifestyle image drives higher engagement There is no 'one size fits all' strategy when it comes to executing a native campaign. It is critical to understand your target audience and the values/behaviors that drive them to purchase. Best Practices By Persona

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