Product One Sheets

TripleLift Native for maximising ROI in DACH

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The State of DACH Programmatic Buyers Prioritizing ROI and Conversion Tactics TripleLift partnered with The Drum to conduct our "International Programmatic Buyer's Journey" survey. We asked German buyers about their key objectives and priorities and found out that German advertisers in particular place great importance on ROI and conversion metrics. Current State of the Industry Key Findings Understanding the mindset of the DACH buyers In our research, we measured interest in ROI as defined by measures such as conversions, signups, sales, purchase intent, CPA etc. 25% More likely to prioritize ROI Metrics as their primary criteria 47% More likely to say innovation is the top challenge 47% More likely to leverage Native for conversion campaigns TripleLift's Native is the answer to the ROI equation TripleLift's Native is the perfect format to add to your next campaign if you want to maximise your ROI: with a suite of innovative formats, we have the perfect fit for any campaign objective. Our formats are custom: - Over 120K custom built publisher templates for a seamless fit - Easily repurpose your social assets with TripleLift's computer vision and dynamic templating technology. TripleLift Native ads are seen 96% of the time on a website. This great performance leads to direct results: up to 4 times higher brand awareness compared to industry norms and higher conversions rates.

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