Best Practices Guides

Privacy & Identity Prepper Playbook for Advertisers

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Additional Resources Addressability Refers to how much targetable supply buyers can access, usually in relation to how targetable individual users are. Cookie - constrained environments may push addressability definitions to be inclusive of cohort targeting as well as targeting based on publisher first - party data. Identified Impressions Impressions that can be tied to a single identified consumer in the bid stream. Today, this is done with 3PCs or first - party data delivered across other identifiers (e.g., LiveRamp RampID , PreBid ShareID , etc.). Non - identified Impressions Impressions that do not have a cross - domain identifier attached and can only be targeted via group / contextual / 1P ID targeting. Google's Privacy Sandbox Google's Privacy Sandbox invites proposals to solve for 3PC loss. The result has been proposals like FLEDGE and others which focus on group targeting vs. individual targeting. The groups are created based on browsing behavior or other factors. What the outcome of this will be, we don't yet know, but we do know that Chrome will support Sandbox initiatives, and that will impact how to plan and buy media. First - party Data First - party data is consented information owned by an organization, which has been collected directly from its audiences and customers. Data Management Platform (DMP) A DMP collects, organizes, segments, and activates a digital publisher's first, second, and third - party audience data from various sources including online, offline, and mobile. The platform then uses that data to build detailed, anonymized user profiles, which publishers can use to reach target audiences with custom content and advertising initiatives. Audience segments can be activated automatically through ad exchanges, demand - side platforms (DSPs), and supply - side platforms (SSPs). Data Clean Room A data clean room is a piece of software that enables advertisers, publishers, and retailers to match user - level data without actually sharing any personal identifiable information (PII) or raw data with one another. Data clean rooms deliver attributions on a one - to - one level to perform analysis on an aggregate level when data would otherwise not be accessible.

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