Best Practices Guides

Privacy & Identity Prepper Playbook for Advertisers

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Playbook Worksheet Consider the Addressability Spectrum 01 + Prepare for Google's Privacy Sandbox to incorporate group/ cohort targeting into your strategy + Focus on a first - party identified strategy, which may include contextual, behavioral and other publisher first - party data types + Work with a vetted identity solution partner while also understanding the limited reach/scale they may have Ground Your Strategy with First - party Data 02 Level - up Your Contextual and Make it Modern 03 Test & Learn 04 Employ a Range of Measurement Options that will Outlast Third - party - cookies 05 + Work with supply partners who can package publisher first - party data on deal IDs • Deal IDs protect the segments from prying eyes and bad actors in the bid stream, as well as curate the exact inventory you want • Multi - pub deals will provide greater scale vs a typical 1:1 PMP + Work with data clean room solutions or identity solution partners to upload your CRM data and match against publisher first - party data + Test first - party data today in cookie - constrained environments + Examples of modern contextual you can use in complement to your keyword analysis strategy: • User Intent • Sentiment Analysis • Stance Analysis • Historical Performance Data • Combined with First - party Data + Contextual deals: leverage multi - pub deals to target contextual at scale • Reach out to TripleLift for upcoming alpha and beta opportunities + Do some creatives work better for campaigns that run on non - 3PC browsers? + Which performance metrics on these browsers correspond to performance metrics only available with third - party cookies? + For those browsers, are some ad formats more helpful than others? + Which performance metrics are still available with those browsers? • Of those available performance metrics, which have the most impact on future campaign decision - making? + Ad Interaction Measurement is viewability, clicks, engagement, etc. That can be measured by companies like TripleLift or any other company that can place a tag in the creative + Privacy Sandbox Browser APIs will provide aggregate attribution measurement. A caveat: these APIs still won't enable companies to see attribution on a person - by - person basis + Cross - Domain Ad Attribution is attribution for the small volume of people who will be trackable via ID solution partners

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