Best Practices Guides

Privacy & Identity Prepper Playbook for Advertisers

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Employ a Range of Measurement Options that will Outlast Third - party - cookies 05 There is a lot that we still don't know about measurement in a cookieless world. The good news/bad news is that no one knows with any certainty, so we're all on an even playing field. We know that measurement will be impacted in a post - third - party cookies world, with cross - domain metrics becoming limited to what browsers provide and is available from the limited scale of cross - site ID solutions. How we track success will likely be limited in scope compared to what third - party cookies allow, resulting in more siloed measurement. But fear not. Measuring ad effectiveness is still possible without third - party cookies — it will simply look different. During this time, it's crucial to get educated on different measurement methodologies that are in play now and see if those will be a right fit for your campaigns. You need a brand - new deck when it comes to measurement. Employ a Range of Measurement Options that will Outlast Third - party cookies 05 + Ad Interaction Measurement is viewability, clicks, engagement, etc. that can be measured by companies like TripleLift or any other company that can place a tag in the creative + Privacy Sandbox Browser APIs will provide aggregate attribution measurement. A caveat: these APIs still won't enable companies to see attribution on a person - by - person basis + Cross - Domain Ad Attribution is attribution for the small volume of people who will be trackable via ID solution partners Pre - campaign Launch

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